Connected Construction, 3D Laser Scanning, and Building the Future

Connected Construction in a Developing World

The Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry couldn’t have predicted how the COVID-19 pandemic would affect current and future building projects. Construction continued, but a vast majority of services that were imperative to the process were abruptly forced to become remote and potentially isolated. Architects were no longer on hand with project managers to discuss possible change orders and focus on the collaborative build processes. Regardless of the team location, the build must go on. Teams were forced to rely heavily on technology to cross-collaborate and connect to keep the construction process moving forward. COVID-19 drove accelerated digitization of the AEC industry, and the term “connected construction” held an even stronger meaning in this era of remote development. The real question is what exactly is “Connected Construction” and how do we utilize it?

What is Connected Construction?

Unfortunately, the modern construction industry lags behind other key industries in digital strategy and maturity. COVID-19 shows us that AEC has been forced to digitally modernize with more firms adopting the concept of “connected construction.” The idea of “connected construction” refers to various concepts and has somewhat of a nebulous meaning. Digital 3D building company AutoDesk discovered in a recent poll of construction professionals that one element stays true through the definition: “connected construction is…open communication between technology to make sure that project teams have the right information at the right time, leading to better project outcomes.” At TrueScan, our technology eliminates inaccuracies and misalignments, allowing for better project outcomes. We want you to know more, risk less, and build better every time. The future of construction is about having access to accurate, real-time data that helps you meet your deadline and increased production quality by minimizing risks. Connected construction brings together the uniformity of data to ensure all parties involved have the information and understanding they need whenever they need it. TrueScan is here to facilitate that growth.

3D Laser Scanning’s Role in Connected Construction

Gone are the days of being handcuffed to old, outdated, and handwritten plans that must be reviewed multiple times to understand one dimension. The time has passed where construction and design professionals are forced to make important building decisions with ambiguous or misinterpreted data. As the AEC industry adapts digitization and connectivity, stakeholders and project leaders rely on real-time data to point them in the right direction. COVID-19 has shifted the site review process from in-person to online, increasing the opportunity for miscommunication and uncertainties. So, how do owners, project managers, architects, and their teams connect data together to see a complete picture of their space?

With TrueScan. Our 3D laser scanning provides a seamless connection to transfer data. Your 150,000 SF project in Omaha can be scanned by our team of professionals, then easily shared with your architect in Seattle, Part project manager in Denver, and building owner in Topeka. All of this can be done without these individuals ever having to leave their offices. The linked nature of connected construction and 3D laser scanning saves time, money, and effort while keeping team members safe during the COVID-19 outbreak. TrueScan’s 3D laser scanning services give all stakeholders an in-depth, three-dimensional view of their project with the ability to review any measurement within the space right from their desk. The incredibly accurate and real-time nature of this information also means that it can be revisited and examined by any team member whenever needed. This eliminates working off outdated plans that could be confusing or wrought with misalignments. Once this data is registered and transferred, it can connect with other information to provide a holistic view of the project and its environment.

An over-the-shoulder view of someone sitting at a computer with a building model on the screen

Connecting the Dots: 3D Laser Scanning and Building Information Modeling (BIM) in AEC’s Future

As the AEC industry moves forward, all eyes are on expedited production, cost-saving measures, and laser-focused decision making. TrueScan’s veteran team of surveyors and 3D modelers allows owners to save money and make cost-effective decisions while providing architects with a tangible vision of their future reality. By implementing 3D laser scanning, a building team will have the measurements of their space in one spot and discover errors before they happen. This, in turn, eliminates consistent change orders, keeps the project on track, under budget, and virtually headache-free. Combining scanning with TrueScan’s advanced BIM tools allows a design team to virtually step inside the space to analyze every angle and dimension. TrueScan and BIM recreate the world for you, giving you the crystal ball to see any future problems, and properly visualize the end goal originally dreamed up.

Building Information Model of Structure
As connected construction becomes the new standard in AEC, 3D scanning and BIM become a necessity. Dodge Analytics found that 61% of contractors report BIM processes reduced project error, while 82% of BIM users reported a positive return on investment. 3D laser scanning and BIM offer a solution to a variety of problems before they arise. They keep all members of a project in the know and provide the most accurate information possible. Investing in BIM keeps a project team one step ahead of the building curve and makes sure they are prepared for any challenge.

Building Information Model of Structure

Investing in Your Firm’s Future with TrueScan

Construction and building projects, regardless of the size, benefit from 360-degree clarity. When all stakeholders can view and understand every aspect of the project and the complexities, everyone wins, and the project is successful. Investing in technology from the beginning helps AEC firms and builders see the long-standing benefit through the entire project life cycle. Market research firm Deloitte discovered that AEC firms investing in digital and “connected construction” style technologies see a 5-10% reduction in build costs and a 10-20% reduction in operating costs. That is a staggering amount for large projects! TrueScan’s 3D laser scanning and BIM services help your team keep these costs down while keeping productivity and success up.

3D modeling software firm AutoDesk found that 52% of rework is caused by poor project data and miscommunication. We’re here to make sure your firm doesn’t join that statistic. TrueScan will help you combine the best elements of reality capture and connected construction, investing in your firm’s future success. It’s time to have confidence in every decision. Contact a team member today and let us know how we can help you make your dream project a reality.

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