Florida VA Hospital

Gainesville, FL

Florida VA Hospital

TrueScan was selected as part of a team to document the VA Hospital Campus in Gainesville. The TrueScan team worked directly with the architect to provide 3D laser scanning, UAV (drone), and traditional surveying services on the project.

The project scope included using laser scanning to document primary building spaces such as common areas, corridors, stairwells, interstitial spaces, and exterior facades. A UAV was then used to fly the entire site and collect information on the roofs of the main buildings as well as additional site data. Finally, traditional survey methods were used to set project control, collect boundary information, and survey specific site elements. Data from these methods were tied together and produced an informative picture of what was present in the buildings and on the site. In all, TrueScan was on site for about two weeks while collecting over 1,000 scan set-ups, conducting drone flights, and collecting traditional survey information.

3D Scanning, UAV, Gainesville, FL 3D Scanning, UAV, Gainesville, FL

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